Episode 126: I Like to Go Up to Things and Smell Them (With Craig Ballantyne)

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Kevin Larrabee (Twitter), Jonathan Fass,

Tony Gentilcore and Cassandra Forsythe


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  • Gang,
    I want to thank you for doing what you do! I have gotten some great information from you guys and girls. My question is about lifting shoes. I have always just lifted in my running shoes. I have been reading that this could be bad for me down the road. What are you thoughts on buying lifting shoes? Are they necessary? Will a par of Converse work or should I go to the adiStar or RISTO? The primary lifts that I would use them for would be deadlift, squat and some oly lifts. -Mark
  • I have a bit of a predicament and would like some advice. I am a 27 yr old female and have been an avid gym goer for several years and have followed New Rules for Women for several months. (I believe women should lift heavy and that pink dumb bells belong in nursing homes) In September of 08 I was in a car accident and a few weeks later cleared for exercise by my doctors. I bought the afterburn program from alwyn cosgroves site and started the program and was enjoying it. As time progressed I had some follow up doctor appointments and they discovered that I had a herniated cervical disk. The neck doctor says it is ok to continue light exercise but nothing real heavy for a while and is sending me to physical therapy. My question to you is…. what can I continue to do that will maintain the muscle mass Ive built up over the last several years. And, would it help to continue with the aerobic intervals for the fat loss if i cant do as much heavy lifting with the anaerobic program for a few months. After all my overall goal is fatloss, so I understand nutrition plays a huge role but I also need to train. Also, if I end up having to just take it easy for a month or two am I going to loose most of my muscle and end up having to start from scratch. This has been bothering me since training 3-4 times a week has been my lifestyle for a few years.Thanks for any advice you can give. Sorry for such a long email.
    Buffalo, NY
  • There are no decent gyms within 50 miles of my home, so I have to be my own trainer. I have read a lot about technique, but could you run down some checkpoints from the lifter’s perspective for common lifts such as squats, deadlifts, good mornings, and presses. -Jack
  • Hi Kevin. I enjoy listening to the podcasts and have heard lots of great information that I hope will help me reach my fitness goals.My question deals with a lower back strain. I have been following the Turbulence Training program for two weeks now. Prior to the TT program I was doing the Body Shaping from Precision Nutrition. Last week I strained my lower back after doing a set of Bulgarian Split Squats with dumbbells. (I think I using too heavy a weight and had bad form).I have taken this week off from any lifting and my back is feeling better. What should I do in regards to when I feel I am ready to start lifting again. I do warm up before each set with 30% to 50% of the weight I plan to lift. Is there any special warm-up exercises or stretching that should be done prior to lifting?I appreciate any advice you can give me.Thanks Rob
  • Hi guys,As always, thanks for the show it always gives me heaps of info and heaps of laughs on the train.I’m having problems at the moment trying to work my back. Part of my workout is push presses or military presses super setted against lat pull downs. I vary the LPDs with wide pronated and close suppinated grips but I tend to have difficulty really pushing things on the lat pull downs because of my forearms.The pain that I get is a really localised burn toward the elbow and I’m wondering if it’s perhaps some sort of connective tissue pain? I’m doing 80kg lat pull downs for 5×5 but am absolutely limited by my forearms. I really don’t want to have to resort to straps. While I have been progressing, I feel like at every step it’s my forearms that are limiting me!What would you recommend as some assisted work for this sort of issue?Thanks for any help you might give! -Aaron
  • Kevin,
    Great show, love the wealth of information and entertainment you all provide.
    I’m going to be having major surgery in the next month or so,
    donating part of my liver to a family member. I’ve been pretty successful at losing
    fat before hand, above and beyond what the Dr. recommended. Thanks for all the tips.

    My question deals with the recovery period. I’m going to be in the hospital for a week
    or so, and then at home for several weeks. Recovery orders are to avoid lifting anything
    over 20 lbs and avoid stressing the abdominal region for about 2 months. I’ll also likely
    be eating more so as not to limit the regrowth of my liver. Basically what I’m wondering
    if any of you have any creative ideas on how to minimize loss of strength and fat gain
    during the period where I’ll have severely restricted exercise choices and a need to eat. I
    realize that some backsliding is inevitable, and well worth it given the cause, but I’d obviously
    like to keep that to a minimum and get back into shape as soon as recovery is complete. Sorry if this is long and rambling,and thanks in advance -Sean

  • Hey guys and gals, I was curious to know where I can download a good fitness assessment for my new clients, before I begin working them out? I heard on your show that any good trainer should have a good assessment, and after the show I thought to myself, “wow, do I even have an assessment”. Yea I do have one, but I know I can get a better one from you guys. Why reinvent the wheel when its already there? Thanks, and you guys rock. -Tracy

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3 Responses

  1. Weldon says:

    In regards to weighing food: Yes, I weigh everything when I’m home. For nuts, I have saved various sized scoops from powdered products and found which ones correspond to a serving for each kind so I don’t have to weigh my daily rations of almonds/pecans/Brazil nuts.

  2. Maria says:

    Hey there!

    Have just been listening to the last episode and your answer to the question about training after surgery, (especially after a serious one like this where you cut through the abdominal wall). You have to tell people out there listening to your show that they NEED to listen to their doctors. I mean, trying ANY thing involving your core gets a totally new meaning after you’ve experienced a surgery to your abdomen.
    I have had my appendix removed and for beeing such a small cut it reminded me constantly in anything concerning the complex work that the abs are involved in. I couldn’t laugh, cough, sitting on the toilet squeezing trying to do a number 2 🙂 getting out of bed…training was out of the question. So imagine what a bigger cut would cause in simply restricting you in your daily life, not to mention that things take longer to heal, if beeing active too soon – etc,etc. To Sean, once he can be up and about- try walking…he’ll probably find that tiresome enough but that might help his recovery and keep his weight down.
    I have had a major surgery twice on my right knee and lost heaps of muscle mass on that leg. (Hopping about on two crutches for almost 12 months is a great upperbody workout by the way!) I can ony say one thing- it all came back once I started training again- no worries! 🙂 And as for eating while recovering from major surgery my experience is that I could eat a lot without relly gaining that much. It was as if my body was working overtime in repairing my system back to normal.
    I also have a colleague who is an amputee. He has no fibula and only a short stump of the tibia left under his left knee. He can eat a tonn of food and are staying quite lean. Have heard that it is common with amputees. I guess he uses a lot more energy moving around but it has me thinking…perhaps his body is trying to grow out his leg desperately and just say “thank you” when more building material gets into his system 🙂

    Haven’t got a clue if this is helpful to anyone but hope so.
    If everyone could just remember that it is not a good thing either to be a slave to training. Paretos 80/20 principle has a point. 80% of your results comes from 20% of what you do. So, what is the minimum most effective thing you can do to get the most out of a situation? Evaluate, think… You have the rest of your life to lift and stay strong!

    Keep up the good job with the show, it is “skitbra!”
    -swedish for roughely… awesome!

  3. Amanda says:

    Yes, I weigh my food with a digital scale. Leigh’s video on how easy it is to mismeasure food was all the incentive I needed.