Episode 200: Lou Schuler, Alan Aragon, and Dan John

It is finally here! Episode 200 of The FitCast! This week we have an all star lineup of guests: Lou Schuler, Alan Aragon, and Dan John. It has been four and a half years since we started this trip! We want to thank all of our listeners for supporting us and downloading the show this week.

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12 Responses

  1. Roland says:

    Congratulations on the 200! This was one of the best Fitcasts ever!


  2. Looking forward to listening to it, looks like a great lineup 🙂

  3. AKA2 says:

    Thanks for the mega episode — it took me every single drive to & from work this week to get it all in & now I have a new favorite episode.

  4. TK says:

    Congrats on 200 episodes! That’s a great accomplishment. This one was great, as usual. Thanks for all the many hours you’ve put in over the years making the podcast.

    If I can offer a piece of constructive criticism- the frequent mouse clicks are really distracting. Click, Click, Click, while someone is talking. I would suggest using a silent mouse while recording. You can find them online. Make Magazine has an article with instructions on how to disable the click sound on a regular mouse if you feel like opening up your mouse and doing a bit of hacking. A touch pad that supports tapping are a lot quieter than a mouse. Or you could put the mouse in a glass isolation chamber with built-in gloves like the kind Peter Parker used to handle radioactive materials. Just go to any laboratory supply company and ask for an isolation glove box. 🙂

  5. Deb says:

    One of the BEST evah! Loved it!

  6. Rick Kaselj says:

    Congrats on reaching 200 episodes! This is a huge milestone and a sweet ending to 2010. Keep up this amazing podcast and all the best for the new year. Happy holidays!

    Rick Kaselj

  7. Colleen says:

    My copy of NRFL Abs just came in an hour ago and I’ve already ripped open the package like a kid on Christmas! I’m so stoked. I’ve read the intro already and really am excited to implement it into my program and my athletes. It was my Christmas gift to myself this year. Best gift ever!

  8. Matt says:

    I agree with the clicking thing – sounds like someone is web-shopping and it’s distracting! But great podcast though – this became new favorite over the Todd Durkin interview.

  9. Shane Doll says:

    Hey Kevin I just found your site and I’ve got to commend you on your work. Listened to a few posts and I really like your content. Had the pleasure of meeting Dan John in Orlando last October at an NPE seminar and he made a lasting impression on me. Great guy who truly cares about helping others. Ditto for Lou and Alan from what I gather although I have not had the pleasure of meeting them in person yet. Anyways, congrats brother on your 200th episode. Keep up the good work and I’ll be back for sure to comment and follow the podcasts. Take care- Shane

  1. December 6, 2010

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  2. December 6, 2010

    […] Aragon is a guest on The Fit Cast along with Dan John and Lou Schuler.  His interview is the middle one.  At one point he […]

  3. December 8, 2010

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