Episode 79: New Years with Cassandra Forsythe

Listen to Episode 79 here: TheFitCast079.mp3 (Or Right Click and Save as to Download)

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Kevin Larrabee, Cassandra Forsythe, Jen Heath, and Jimmy Smith

FitCast Topics

Q&A with Cassandra Forsythe

  • The idea that women won’t become “muscle bound” with heavy training due to physiology is starting to gain more popularity but here in the UK it is still difficult to motivate women past that mindset. Do you use any other tips or motivational points besides the testosterone factor to encourage women to lift heavy? – Jon
  • I heard that there are going to be a lot of similarities between the two books (NROL). Could you highlight the main differences, and possibly expand on them? (Natalia)
  • I’m so glad to have Cass back on The FitCast (I’m a big fan!). I’m excited about NROL for Women and I’m wondering if the workouts are set up so that one can do them at home, or if a gym is required. I’ve also found that I lose weight and stay satisfied longer on a low carb diet (~10% calories from carbs). How is the meal plan set up in the book? Is this a book specifically for women looking to get cut or women looking to lose weight -and- learn how to get cut? I ask because I have about 25 pounds of fat to drop and I’m hoping this book will help me do that! Thanks so much! –Kim
  • Is there any new information/research that has you reconsidering any of your current views on health, training, or nutrition? – Varner
  • I am Deepak (D-pack) from Australia. thanks for the great show I have been listening to it since episode 2 and it is still as good as ever. Cass I would like to know what has been added to the diet section of NROL for women … like how much difference is there between a guys and girls nutrition when it comes to training ? Secondly apart from amazon (which does not let me use paypal) where can I buy this book.
  • What is next for you Cass?



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2 Responses

  1. Kim says:

    Yay for Cass being back on The Fit Cast! It was pretty awesome that Jen was more talkative this round, too! The boys usually tend to dominate the show when Jen’s around–but this time it was like “girl’s night at The Fitcast”! Thanks for asking my question! I read the book over the weekend and I’m super excited to get started. Cass’ clarification about the nutrition definitely helped me get the ball rolling.

    Keep up the great work with the show!

  2. Dpak says:

    Thanks for answering my question.

    I bought a copy from Barnes & Noble (thanks cas) and they will ship it to Australia quite reasonably.

    I will let you know when it become available in bookstores in australia