Episode 95: Hiatus Over and Craig Ballantyne

Listen to Episode 95 here: TheFitCast095.mp3 (Or Right Click and Save-as to Download)

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Kevin Larrabee, Jimmy Smith and Craig Ballantyne


FitCast News

  • Coming up on the show, Mailbag and Craig Ballantyne
  • Missed two weeks
  • Every other week from now on.


  • Hey Kevin and Jimmy, I know Jimmy is not a big fan of fat-loss supplements, but my results have plateaued for the last two weeks and I am currently eating 2400 calories at 195 lbs. I have been looking into trying a fat-loss supplement like HotRox extreme or Lipo 6 (my friend said that worked great for him). What would you recommend? Or is there something else I could do dietary wise to accelerate my results. By the way, I am followingprecision nutrition and am doing Waterbury’s Summer Project workouts. Thanks -thomas
  • First I just want to say what’s up to Jimmy, but I have a bone to pick with Kevin. On the last show you made fun of Wii Fit, but my husband and kids both love it and it has become a family activity almost everyday. To those with families in the audience, give it a shot. – Rachel (Her husband sent it through her e-mail address)

Q&A with Craig Ballantyne

  • Hey Craig, I am a big fan of your turbulence training workouts. I have a diet/nutrition question for you. Do you have any tips for keeping your clients from cheating on their diets? If so could you share them? Thanks! -Andrew
  • Barbell complexes seem to be becoming more popular these days. How often should some use bb complexes in place of cardio at the end of their workout or in place of intervals on their off day. – Mike D.
  • How is the TT members site going?
  • So tell us about the latest Bodyweight challenge workout.
  • On a related note… How reasonable is it for someone to continue their fat-loss goals when going from weight training workouts to just bodyweight workout?
  • I know we have a lot of trainers in the audience, so I was wondering if you could fill us in on what the Online Super Profits Seminar for trainers is all about.

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