Dan John Presentation- Part 1

This is part 1 of the audio that I recorded from Dan John’s presentation at the LA Strength Seminar a few weeks back. As you all know I think very highly of Dan John, he is a great man. He gave me permission to distribute the audio to all you listeners for free. If you haven’t check out Episode 20 that Dan John was on.

Part 2 will be up before I head to CT for Ryan Lee’s Boot Camp.

Don’t forget to check out Dan John’s Website

DOWNLOAD PART 1 HERE: Dan John Presentation- Part 1.mp3 (Right click and Save-As)

Also Dan John Provided the handout from LA as well. Download it here: LAX talk.doc 

Just a heads up, I had to boost some of the audio levels because Dan John was walking around.

Look forward to seeing you all at Ryan Lee’s Boot Camp!! Come and say hi!

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