Author: Kevin Larrabee

Episode 168: Amazing Discoveries

Episode 168: Amazing Discoveries

Kevin and Leigh answer questions about 5/3/1 for fat loss, off season training for runners, binge eating, double chins, and more. Also this episode features the first FitCast Accountability Blog round table.

Destination Abs Finale

Destination Abs Finale

Finish Him!!! Alright folks, time to finish thing thing off. The last few weeks I was lax with my diet. Psychologically I needed a break. I was dealing with a lot of real world...

Video: Band Resisted Anti-Rotation Press

Core stability should be one of the main focuses of everyone’s programs. You have most likely already seen Palloff presses, rollouts, landmines, ect. But what if you don’t have a cable station or just want something a bit more challenging? Here is something I partly stole from Mike Boyle when he was talking on the Strength Coach Podcast. All you need is a band and a sturdy pole.