Tagged: Leigh Peele

Destination Abs Redux: Day 26

Destination Abs Redux: Day 26

Are we back? Yes, we’re back. It has been a long time since I have done a Destination Abs update. Too long. Some have even e-mailed me to ask me what the hell was...

Destination Abs Redux: Day 10

Destination Abs Redux: Day 10

Are we back? Yes, we’re back. It has been a long time since I have done a Destination Abs update. Too long. Some have even e-mailed me to ask me what the hell was...

Destionation Abs Redux: Day 3

Destionation Abs Redux: Day 3

Are we back? Yes, we’re back. It has been a long time since I have done a Destination Abs update. Too long. Some have even e-mailed me to ask me what the hell was...

Episode 152: Everybody Drink!

Episode 152: Everybody Drink!

Everyone is on board this week to answer some questions in the mailbag and discuss our current training regimens. Some of the topics include if you have to stay glued to PubMed, lifting for runners, No-Xplode health risks, and more!

Episode 151: Alwyn Cosgrove Exiled? And Chris Frankel on TRX

Episode 151: Alwyn Cosgrove Exiled? And Chris Frankel on TRX

Alwyn Cosgrove returns to the show after being “exiled” to talk about weight training circuits machine cardio, using kettlebells, ropes, TRX, and bodyweight movements in circuits, the business of fitness, LiftStrong and more! Then Kevin talks to Chris Frankel from Fitness Anywhere about the TRX suspension trainer.

Episode 149.5: Not Episode 150

Episode 149.5: Not Episode 150

Kevin, Leigh, and Tony get together this week to talk about The Biggest Loser, FitTV, if being muscular weakens your immune system, fiber, women in the weight room, how to treat your clients, Yerba Mate, and much more!!!

Episode 148: Smart Choices

Episode 148: Smart Choices

You know it is going to be a great episode when we debate about a new food labeling campaign, talk about getting your companion to work out with you, knowing when your testosterone is low, and a story about a naked fat guy. Yeah, it is that EPIC!